Access Keys:

St. Mary's Primary School, Stewartstown, Co Tyrone

School Routine

Morning Routine

The school is open to receive children from 8:50am. The children will be supervised and participate in a period of outdoor play (weather permitting). All pupils are encouraged to engage in this period of activity before school starts and is seen as an ideal way for children to start the day, getting energised and ready to start their learning as soon as they enter school. 

Lessons begin at 9.15 a.m. 

Morning registration closes at 9.30 a.m.

Morning break
10.45am- 11.00am

As part of our Healthy eating policy, children are encouraged to develop ‘healthy habits ‘ from an early age and so we only permit Healthy snacks at break time. This will not only encourage our pupils to eat healthily but also develop long term habits for life long healthy life style. Some examples of super snacks include:

Fruit: apple, orange, banana;
Yogurt drinks;
Cheese and crackers;
Vegetables: Carrot sticks, cucumber strips, or bread based products with no jam.

Lunch break  

P1-7 : 12.15pm – 1.10pm

Healthy, tasty hot dinners are served daily in the dining hall. Parents receive a monthly copy of the menu on ParentPay. School dinners cost £2.60 per day. Children availing of dinner must book their meals and pay in advance through ParentPay.  Children may also take a packed lunch. 

School Day ends
2.00pm  For P1-3 
3.00 pm For P4-7

Extended School Hours (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: Term 1 and 2)
2pm-3pm for P1-P3
3pm-4 pm for P4-P7 

Visitors to school 

All visitors to the school - including parents - must report to Reception in the first instance. The secretary will pass on any messages or items as necessary. If you require your child to leave school early or if they have taken ill at school you will be requested to complete the 'Signing out Register' before leaving the school premises. Your co-operation with this important matter is much appreciated by all staff.

Absences from school

If your child is absent from school due to an illness you will be requested to make your child's class teacher aware via Dojo. School attendance is monitored regularly and Parents may be requested to provide medical evidence if their child is absent for a prolonged period or is absent from school for one or two days on a regular basis. It is always in the schools best interest to work with Parents to ensure that children maximise their potential by having a good school attendance record.