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St. Mary's Primary School, Stewartstown, Co Tyrone

Things to remember in Mr Cullen's Class

Don't forget swimming classes over for the term

Remember to come dressed for school for PE on Wednesday 

Place it beside your school bag on Tuesday night! Be prepared.

  • Traditional music: Tuesday

  • P.E:Wednesday 

What your child will be learning in Term 1


Investigate how characters and settings are built up.  Write character sketches.  Revise adjectives, adverbs, nouns,verbs, collective nouns, plurals, similes, suffixes, prefixes and compound words. Investigate rhyme patterns and figurative language in poetry.  Investigate persuasive writing - identify and become familiar with key features of a persuasive writing. Write persuasive pieces including an advertisement and an argument for protecting rainforests.

Handwriting: to practice to ensure consistency in size and proportions of letters.

Linguistic Phonics: 

P5 or,er,en,on, f, if, fe (irregular plurals), silent letters, air/are, short e sound.

P6 hard and soft g, silent letters, ie and ei, ay, ey, ai, a eigh, aigh, ei, prefixes, ch.


*Carry out activities to develop understanding in the following topics:

P5 - Read, write and order numbers to 10, 000.  Add, subtract, multiply and divide.  Learn times tables (2-12).  Round to nearest 10, 100, 1000.  Doubling.  Fractions of a number, equivalent fracions and introduction to decimals.  Length ( mm, cm, m, km, miles) and introduction to co-ordinates.

P6 - Read, write and order numbers to 1,000,000. Add, subtract, multiply and divide. Learn times tables (2-12) Round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000. Doubling. Fractions of a number, equivalent fractions and introduction to decimals. Length (mm, cm, m, km and miles) and introduction to co-ordinates. Investigate directions with BlackCat Logo.


World Impact! The Rainforest and other regions around the world.

Creative/ Expressive  Arts

Experiment with pencil and clay, modelling, impressing and engraving to make drawings. Look at faces and discuss the different types of emotion. Explore these emotions using a range of pastels.  Focus on the artist Henri Rosseau.

Music- Learning how to play instruments from the Orchestra e.g. violin, viola, cello and double bass. Carry out activities from Music Express programme.

Gaelic Football/ Games/ Swimming.