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St. Mary's Primary School, Stewartstown, Co Tyrone
P1 Admissions 2025 online portal closes on Friday 24th January at 12 Noon
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St. Mary's School Emblem


      "Believing, Achieving, Succeeding"


St. Mary’s Primary Schools’ vision is for all learners to achieve their true potential on their journey to becoming successful individuals and valuable contributors to society.

Our mission at St. Mary’s Primary School is to provide a caring, secure christian community where everyone involved feels valued, supported and happy.

Working together we will provide an ethos in which honesty, fairness, respect and optimism abound.

Through cultivating high aspirations and a positive sense of self, everyone will set and achieve their highest personal, academic and social goals.


Our vision serves as the framework for our school and guides every aspect of what we do. Together we want to support the

  • People: to inspire all to be the best they can be, full of optimism, ambition and a love for learning;
  • Place: to nurture a happy, stimulating and rewarding atmosphere to ensure St. Mary’s is a great place to learn, work and be part of;
  • Partnerships: working together within our community, creating mutual and enduring relationships so that St. Mary’s primary School makes a difference;
  • Programmes: so that our teaching and learning is enriching and engaging leading to academic achievement, social well being and personal growth;
  • Processes: to be collaborative and cooperative in all that we do so that St. Mary’s is a highly effective, fair and inclusive school.

Our School Logo

The Church is an important part of our children's experience in school. St Mary's Church supports us as we encourage the children's religious development, and their personal integrity.

The Book represents the knowledge and skills that children develop. At St Mary's we have high expectations of the children and we strive to develop a love for learning. 

St Patrick's bell represents our heritage. Our school resides in the Parish of Ballyclog ('The Place of the Bell') and Donaghenry and reminds us of our past and the people and places who have gone before us. We encourage our children to value and develop their heritage of faith and culture. To find out more

The Dove represents the atmosphere in our school -the peace and harmony that prevail in not only the relationships but also within the secure, caring and disciplined environment that we provide.

The Miraculous Medal is at the centre of our logo and represents our steadfast and resolute devotion to Mary. We ensure that we are a community of faith, service, prayer and worship.

Working together with home and church we prepare the children at St. Mary's to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives which will contribute to the Common Good.

22nd Jan 2025
2 DAYS TO GO! 📣 Online applications for a Primary 1 place for September 2025...
22nd Jan 2025
Thank you to Holy Trinity College for an enjoyable morning where P7 had fun sampling...
22nd Jan 2025
On Tuesday P3-4 had the privilege of going to St. John the Baptist Church in Portadown...
16th Jan 2025
🏉P6 and P7 thoroughly enjoyed their first session of rugby yesterday with their...