Charity Events & Fundraising
A fantastic amount of support through annual fundraising events always ensures that St Mary's community not only support their school but think of others too. Below shows the support given by the pupils, parents and community at the termly fundraising events.
As always St Mary's Governors and staff are truly grateful for all the children's earnest efforts.
Trocaire Healthy Breaks
Mary's Meals

A cheque for an amazing amount of £1,100 is on its way to Mary's Meals from St Mary's P.S. in Stewartstown. The children were very focused on raising as much as they possibly could through their Lenten campaign.
With a 'little' help with the 'Healthy Breaks' from their families and the staff at school the children were blown away by the total raised, proving that every little bit helps.
Pat and Liam came on behalf of Mary's Meals to accept the cheque and they earnestly thanked the school for all their efforts
Fundraising Efforts
Through a Healthy Break scheme the pupils at St Marys managed to raise an astounding £613.21 for Trocaire last year.
St. Mary's Primary School, 22 West Street, Stewartstown, Co Tyrone, BT71 5HT
Telephone: (028) 877 383 88 | Email: